East Coast Meet Review 2011.

With 90% chances of shower and rain for the complete day,

it did not look good for this meet….

But Bob Lo Cicero from http://www.motorcyclevermont.com made it again,

riding his Ducati in the rain to cover our event.

Besides Central Vermont Motorcycles (CVM) employees, customers and Bob accompanied by his wife.


And it was very understandable; there were no bikes on the road. Pouring rain!   .

Lucky Steve Simmons made it for this year’s event.

He saved the show with the addition of his immaculate R2 to our “now” three bike lineup!

His bike got Bob occupied with his camera.

Bob was in Awe! (So was Jay and I)

Steve, thanks a million for showing up, too bad we didn’t ride….

I arrived on Friday 3 pm, It was absolutely marvelous in Rutland.

Once at the motel, I met Steve who was already unpacked.

I was itching for a ride.

Steve felt pooped out riding from New Jersey, so I went out alone and came back for at 6.30 pm.

Steve and I enjoyed a Pizza, beers for me and coffee for Steve.

By the way Steve, thanks for the slices! In the evening,

Steve watched me detail my bike still dirty from Deals Gap and Rutland ride.

My worn out tires sure got him nervous and a bit amazed at how the worn out!

We enjoyed looking at our R2s. I’m still amazed who I can still talk about that bike.

Saturday morning, my alarm rings, press snooze, and I hear that rain noise ….

Look outside and it’s pouring.

Oh well, difficult day, Jay texted me saying he’s in town so we finally all gather at CVM.

This year they didn’t have the tent setup!

But CVM manager arranged to have items removed from his exterior show room to let space for our gathering.

With the help of Bob, watch out for next year, we’ll improve on this event.

We’ll keep you posted on the ideas and possibilities that this meet can achieve.

Quit frankly, we felt like kings on that porch and had a truly good time (Good Time Rolls)

together from 9 am to 1 pm .

We packed up and went for a great lunch.

That’s it for now, here are the quick pic's to enjoy.


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